Friday Night At The Home Drive-In: Sting of Death (1966)

Poster for Sting of Death (1966)Sting of Death (1966) by #WilliamGrefé

w/#JoeMorrison #ValerieHawkins #DeannaLund

and special singing musical guest star #NeilSedaka!

A group of college students on spring break in the Florida Everglades run afoul of a giant jellyfish monster.

#Horror #SciFi

I’ve probably rambled on about having “bad movie nights” with certain friends of mine before. One of those friends, whom I’ll call Den (since that’s his name), used to go straight for the New Release shelf whenever we would go to rent movies together. I, on the other hand, used to go to the more unusual corners of the store: the Horror section (not so unusual), the Cult section (a little more offbeat) and the Something Weird Video section (yes, they had their own section, like Clint Eastwood and Martin Scorcese – and it was fairly off-the-beaten path for most customers). Continue reading