The Astounding She-Monster (1957) – Friday Night At The Home Drive-In

Poster for The Astounding She-Monster (1957)The Astounding She-Monster (1957)
AKA Naked Invader
0r The Astounding She Creature
by #RonaldVAshcroft
#RobertClarke #KenneDuncan

An alien terrorizes the of kidnappers of a rich heiress.

“A creature from beyond the stars. EVIL… BEAUTIFUL… DEADLY…!”

#Horror #SciFi

I had heard of The Astounding She-Monster (1957), but somehow I had never seen it. I think maybe the title was too similar to (or at least reminiscent in some way of) other movies,  like She Demons (1958) and She Freak (1967) and maybe The She-Creature (1956) – all of which I’ve written about on the blog. But of course, The Astounding She-Monster is none of those movies…  Continue reading

Friday Night At The Home Drive-In: The Hideous Sun Demon (1958)

Poster art for The Hideous Sun Demon (1958)The Hideous Sun Demon (1958) by #RobertClarke
#PatriciaManning #NanPeterson

Due to radiation, a scientist becomes a murderous lizard when he’s exposed to sunlight.

“The Blaze Of The Sun Made Him A Monster!”

“Thermodynamic horror from outer space!”

“Whiskey and soda mix, not whiskey and science.”

#Horror #SciFi

The Hideous Sun Demon (1958) was produced, directed, and cowritten by its star, Robert Clarke. Technically, he co-directed (according to the IMDb) with a guy named Tom Boutross, but it looks like Boutross didn’t ever direct much else (just some TV episodes many years later), so I will assume that Robert Clarke was pretty much in charge on the set. Most of Boutross’ credits were as an editor, and he edited The Hideous Sun Demon, in fact. So perhaps he influenced the finished product so much that Clarke credited him as a co-director. Who knows? Continue reading