Friday Night At The Home Drive-In: Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970)

Poster for Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970)Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970) by #AlAdamson
w/ #JohnCarradine #RobertDix #VickiVolante #JenniferBishop

Earthlings leave on a space mission to destroy flesh creatures of a prehistoric lost planet.

Far-Out, Frightening Terror!”
You’ll scream yourself into a state of shock!

#Horror #SciFi

It seems like I’m (re)visiting the weird and wonderful world of Al Adamson at least once a month these days. As I may have mentioned before, I have quite a few of Adamson’s movies in my collection – well, now I have almost everything, thanks to The Masterpiece Collection put out by Severin. But prior to that, I had collected quite a few VHS tapes and DVDs. One of those tapes, which I purchased at a dying video store after an all night drive to Edmonton, was Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970). Continue reading