Invasion of the Animal People (1959) – Friday Night At The Home Drive-In

Poster for Invasion of the Animal People (1959)Invasion of the Animal People AKA Terror in the Midnight Sun (1959)
#VirgilWVogel #JerryWarren
#BarbaraWilson #StenGester #JohnCarradine

Aliens release a giant furry beast in northern Sweden.

“Could it Happen? See and Decide for Yourself!”

“Monsters walk the earth in ravishing rampage of clawing fury!”

#SciFi #Horror

I had never seen Invasion of the Animal People (1959) before last week. Imagine my surprise when the movie starts up and John Carradine appears on the screen. He directly addresses us, making a speech to the camera. I had no idea that he was even in this movie. Perhaps it’s going to be better than I thought…

By the time he finishes talking and the credits begin, I feel so pumped that I know there’s no way that the rest of the movie is going to live up to this…

Wait – Jerry Warren co-directed this movie? Will the surprises never cease? The only thing is, I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad… Continue reading