Flight to Mars (1951) – Friday Night At The Home Drive-In

Poster for Flight to Mars (1951)Flight to Mars (1951) by #LesleySelander
#MargueriteChapman #CameronMitchell #ArthurFranz #VirginiaHuston

Four scientists & a reporter crash-land on Mars, but the friendly Aliens who help them may have a sinister motive.

“Fifty Years Into The Future!”
“The Most Fantastic Expedition Ever Conceived by Man!”


A Monogram B-movie, Flight to Mars (1951) felt right up my alley from the opening seconds. It seemed to be about – surprise, surprise – a flight to Mars. A young Cameron Mitchell stars as a reporter who has been assigned to tag along and write about this historic mission. He is the only one going who is not a scientist. Continue reading

Warning From Space (1956) – Friday Night At The Home Drive-In

Poster for Warning From Space (1956)Warning From Space (1956) by #KôjiShima
#KeizôKawasaki #ToyomiKarita

Aliens travel to earth to warn people of an oncoming catastrophe. To prevent panic about her appearance, one alien takes the form of a popular singer.


Warning From Space (1956) is a Japanese movie. I don’t think I saw too many Japanese movies when I was a kid. One or two, perhaps, but I don’t believe any of them were on my favourite late night show, Not Quite Classic Theatre.

Of course, the most famous Japanese horror films were probably those starring Godzilla and his fellow Kaiju. I somehow missed those movies when I was a kid. I always wanted to see them, especially King Kong vs. Godzilla (1963). I thought that looked super cool, but I didn’t get the opportunity until I was much older.

This is my way of saying that I am no expert on Japanese horror and science fiction movies. I had heard of Warning From Space (1956), but I knew nothing about it until one week ago, when I screened it at the home drive-in… Continue reading

The Cape Canaveral Monsters (1960) – Friday Night At The Home Drive-In

Poster for The Cape Canaveral Monsters (1960)The Cape Canaveral Monsters (1960) by #PhilTucker
#ScottPeters #LindaConnell

When a couple are killed in a car accident, their bodies are inhabited by aliens determined to sabotage the U. S. space program.

“You humans with your puny minds!
You must not learn the secrets of space!”

#Horror #SciFi

The Cape Canaveral Monsters (1960) begins with some balls of light flying around, and a disembodied voice saying “I told you we would find suitable bodies here…”

We see a man lying on a beach towel, and a woman running toward him from the water. He smokes a pipe as they put their clothes on. Then they get into a car and drive off…

…only to have a terrible car accident, which appears to kill them. But in a bizarre twist, they wake up and get out the car – leaving the man’s arm behind. He doesn’t seem terribly upset by this, but the woman says “I’ll take it and sew it back on in the laboratory…” Continue reading

The Gamma People (1956) – Friday Night At The Home Drive-In

Poster for The Gamma People (1956)The Gamma People (1956) by #JohnGilling
#PaulDouglas #EveBartok #LesliePhillips

Two reporters are stranded in a strange country where the local dictator is using gamma rays to experiment on children.

“Sinister looking dump isn’t it.”

#Horror #SciFi

The first thing that struck me while watching The Gamma People (1956), was the nice opening theme music played by a full orchestra. It didn’t feel like a cheap B-movie. It felt more like a serious film, almost like I was watching something by Alfred Hitchcock, or maybe some sort of epic adventure drama. Had a mistakenly chosen a prestige picture for my night at the home drive-in? Continue reading