100% Certified

Many years ago, a friend of mine told me I should start a blog.

“What for?” I asked.

Flash forward a decade and my website had fallen into disrepair, my new computer couldn’t run the software that I needed to update it, and I couldn’t seem to find any reasonable way to replace it.

Perhaps it was time, I thought, to take my friend’s advice.

I did some research, figured out how to host a blog on my own website, went through all of the necessary steps to set it up (including paying fees), created a banner for the top of the page, made other aesthetic choices regarding the design, and then promptly ignored it for a year and a half.

Apparently I had nothing to say.

Maybe that’s why I had been so skeptical about the whole thing all those years ago.

From time to time I would feel bad about it, and then I would vow to get my blog going soon.  But I could never decide what to start with.  The longer I waited, the more it seemed like I had to have a really good idea for my first blog post.  And that just paralyzed me.

Well, I now know that the only way to get anything done is to just do it.

And so I am.

Once this horrible post is behind me, perhaps I will able to move forward in a more reasonable way.  I can’t guarantee it, but it’s worth a try.

So, there you have it.  I am 100% Certified Angus Kohm.